Privacy Laws

Data Protection Legislations are being passed by different countries separately. While GDPR has become a guiding law the world over, different countries have their own innovations built into their laws. Even if the laws are similar, the reinforcement agencies may be different.

Hence for a Data Protection Professional in India, it is necessary to be conversant with multiple laws.

It may be noted that the Personal Data Protection Standard of India (PDPSI) recommended by Naavi recognizes this aspect that the operations of a single company in India processing global data may be exposed to different sets of laws.

It is not an easy task to collate all such laws in one place and also discuss the implications. However, as a humble attempt to collate the laws of different countries in one place, we shall list important links to such laws here.

Just as or may focus on the Indian laws, in other countries there could be key web sites with information specific to the particular country. We invite readers to suggest additions of such links to this website.

Presently we are creating specific pages for the following laws: